Bi-Monthly Competitions

  1. Only members who have paid their subscriptions are eligible to enter Club competitions.
  2. The total number of entries per member is TWO per bi-monthly competition. The number of entries may be apportioned between the two competition categories (open or set subject), but the open category will limited to 1 image only (as of  January 2023). e.g. 2 images in set subject, 1 images in open category, or 1 image in each.
  3. All entries should be titled correctly and exclude the member’s name.
  4. Refer to how to submit your competition entry for more information in regards to image file naming, sizing/dimensions & email details.
  5. All entries must be the work of the member. The image is to be one taken by yourself in camera, and if a composite, all additions are to be images taken by you also. The use of general sharpening, cropping, lighting, colour change and post processing tools manipulated by yourself are acceptable. Artificially generated images from text input or similar will not be accepted.
  6. All entries must not be more than five years old.
  7. Digital/(projected) entries must not exceed 1920 pixels in width or height (often referred to as 1920 pixels on the longest edge).
  8. An image can be entered once only to the bi-monthly club competitions, however it can be re-entered to an end of year (annual)  competition.
  9. Points scoring are as follows: 
    1. Grading: A, B & C
    2. Images to be awarded points out of 20 by the judge in their particular grades. Extra points will be added for having an image awarded “best of the competition”.
    3. 17 points and above will be classed as an honours, and will be awarded a certificate.
    4. Members in C  grade have to get at least 2 x C grade honours to be moved up to B at the beginning of the next club year.
    5. Members in B grade have to get 4 x B grade honours to be moved up to A grade at the beginning of the next club year.
    6. Members in A grade can stay in this grade. After receiving a certain amount of A grade Honours will be awarded the following status
      5 =  Bronze
      10 = Silver
      15 = Gold
      20 = Platinum
      There will be no time limit to achieve this.
    7. New members transferring from other clubs with grading systems that have been judged by PSNZ Judges. We will honour their status and they can start in that particular grade.
    8. All other new members start in C grade.
    9. New members who are not a member of any club in NZ can submit a portfolio of 10  images to be assessed by the committee to ascertain their grade.

Annual Competitions

  1. Print of the Year – Selected via ‘The Peoples Choice’ votes at an annual exhibition or similar event.
  2. JW WELCH Trophy – The subject for this trophy is Floral and may have been photographed at any time but cannot be submitted if entered in previous JW Welch competitions. 
  3. Nature Trophy – Entries to comply with PSNZ Nature category criteria.
  4. Creative Trophy
  5. Photographer of the year – This Trophy will be presented to the photographer with the most points at the end of the year.

Annual competition entries follow the same condition, sizing and similar naming guidelines as for bi-monthly competition, but do not require inclusion of your grade. And do not contribute to your annual points.